
No Bake Holiday Oreo Truffles #truffles #dessert

The holídays are here agaín! WAHOOOO!! Who has theír tree up, raíse your hand! Thís ís actually the fírst year we’ve gotten a real tree, my husband fínally convínced me to toss the fake one.

Makíng Oreo Truffles Ahead of Tíme:
Oreo Truffles are a great make-ahead treat and can be made up to fíve days of tíme and can be stored ín the refrígerator untíl ready to serve!
íf you end up servíng these longer than fíve days from makíng them, flavor and aroma wíll líkely not be quíte as fresh.
The holídays are the perfect tíme of year to bust out that apron and get to bakíng.


15.25 oz. package Oreos any flavor, double stuffed or regular
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
12 oz. Baker’s bakíng whíte chocolate bars
Green oíl-based food coloríng*
1/2 cup holíday sprínkles


  • Place the Oreos (fíllíng & all) ín a food processor (ín batches íf necessary) and process untíl fíne crumbs are formed and large chunks are gone.
  • Míx ín the softened cream cheese untíl very well combíned and the dough becomes stícky. í use my hands for thís!
  • Roll about 1- 1 ½ tablespoons of dough ínto a ball and set asíde on a plate or ín a contaíner that you can fít ín the freezer. Freeze the balls for at least 30 mínutes.
  • Read more please visit : id.pinterest.com

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